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Duett Philippe II/Le Grand Inquisiteur (G.Verdi-Don Carlos)

Vazgen Gazaryan as Gremin: Lyubvi vse vozrasti pokorni

Vazgen Gazaryan: Son lo spirito che nega

Intro showreel


Оne of the most difficult passages for bass with two top F# in a row.

Past Production Videos

Nabucco, Giuseppe Verdi
D: Thaddeus Strassberger
C: Yura Yang
La Bohème, Giacomo Puccini
D: Ulrich Peters
C: Georg FritzschYura Yang
La Bohème, Giacomo Puccini
D: Ulrich Peters
C: Georg FritzschYura Yang
Wozzeck, Alban Berg
D: Maxim Didenko
C: Justin BrownDominic Limburg
Salome, Richard Strauss
D: Sláva Daubnerová
C: Georg Fritzsch
Don Carlos (French version), Giuseppe Verdi
D: Vincent Huguet
C: Michele Spotti
Don Carlos (French version), Giuseppe Verdi
D: Marco Štorman
C: Nicholas Carter
Gianni Schicchi, Giacomo Puccini
D: Anja Kühnhold
C: Johannes Willig
Turandot, Giacomo Puccini
D: Fabio Cherstich
C: Johannes WilligDaniele Squeo
Les contes d'Hoffmann (The Tales of Hoffmann), Jacques Offenbach
D: Floris Visser
C: Constantin TrinksDominic Limburg
Don Carlo (Italian version), Giuseppe Verdi
D: Stefano Poda
C: Manlio Benzi

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