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Concert, Various
C: Simon Rattle
Peter Grimes, Benjamin Britten
D: Richard Jones
C: Robin Ticciati
L'Orfeo (Orfeo), Claudio Monteverdi
D: Claus Guth
C: Ivor Bolton
Billy Budd, Benjamin Britten
D: Michael Grandage
C: Mark Elder
Concert, Various
C: Simon Rattle
Idomeneo, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
D: Dieter Dorn
C: Kent Nagano
La finta giardiniera (The Pretend Garden-Girl, K. 196), Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
D: Doris Dörrie
C: Ivor Bolton
L'Upupa und der Triumph der Sohnesliebe (The Hoopoe and the Triumph of Filial Love), Hans Werner Henze
D: Dieter Dorn
C: Christian ThielemannMarkus Stenz
World Premiere
L'Orfeo (Orfeo), Claudio Monteverdi
D: Pierre Audi
C: Stephen Stubbs

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